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Building Digital Resilience in the Energy Transition

Webinar Series 2020
Dates: March 10, April 21, June 2


Digitalization of the energy sector is a critical enabler of the energy transition. Yet the rapid pace of innovation, growing technological complexity, increased data sharing and interconnectivity; coupled with rising cyberattack sophistication and the sector’s attractiveness as a cyber target, are creating evolving risks for the sector. 

Join the World Energy Council and Marsh & McLennan for a three-part webinar series focusing on the risks and opportunities of the energy sector’s expanding digital footprint:



March 10

Cybersecurity: 3 Clicks from Collapse? 

11 am – 12 pm (ET)

How an organization responds to a cyber attack is critical to its overall recovery. However, the processes and mechanisms for response and recovery of digital power infrastructure may be less tested than responses to physical events. This session will guide participants through a cyber event scenario and critical decision-points in the detection and response phase, with insights and perspectives from an experienced panel.


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April 21

Cyber Risks For Oil & Gas Companies Amidst COVID-19

11 am – 12 pm (ET)

The coronavirus has introduced an array of risks and uncertainties for companies across all industries to consider, and the Oil & Gas industry is no exception. With many companies turning to digitalization and deploying remote workforces to ensure business continuity during the pandemic and after it subsides, there are a host of cyber challenges to be mindful of. This webinar will discuss the implications of the pandemic on the cyber front, with a particular emphasis on the strategies that upstream, midstream, and downstream companies can leverage to mitigate cyber risks.


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June 2

Enabling Energy Transition and Evolving Nexus: Mobility, Prosumers and More

11 am – 12 pm (ET)

A key characteristic of the energy transition are new nexus with other sectors including mobility and residential and industrial prosumers enabled by “digital seamlessness.” This webinar will explore emerging digital and cyber challenges in the energy transition and how the sector can position itself for success in the face of rapidly evolving technologies.



Registeration begins soon.