Gaurav Bhatnagar

Gaurav Bhatnagar

Retail Placement and Specialties Head, MENA COE Lead MMC Infrastructure Initiative

Gaurav’s career spans 22 years in Specialty business, working in both emerging markets (India, Middle East and North Africa), and in London where he had experience of dealing with both, retail and wholesale business. For the last 10 years, Gaurav has been based in MENA and involved in the successful execution and delivery of a multitude of major infrastructure development, ranging from road, rail, mines, metals, power, downstream petrochemical and energy projects; representing billions of dollars. During this period, he has successfully harnessed and developed talent, built strong teams and capability both regionally and within countries. 

He currently leads Marsh’s MENA Retail Placement and Speciality business including Energy & Power, Construction, Marine, Financial and Professional Lines (FINPRO), Trade Credit, and Private Equity Mergers & Acquisitions (PEMA). Gaurav is responsible for the delivery of our Retail Placement and Speciality capability for the benefit of our clients, leveraging the best of Marsh using our global network and deep industry knowledge. He is constantly looking for opportunities in region for growth and to strengthen our bench strength.